GNYC 100th anniversary Founders of Scouting CSP sets

Gene Berman advises that there are now less than 10 sets of the limited edition 100th Anniversary Founders of Scouting CSP sets available.

Less than ten sets remain of the 50 silver mylar border sets made to commemorate in 10 patches five of the National Founders and the principal founder of each Borough Council of the NYC five borough councils. Once they are gone, THEY ARE GONE, and no more with silver mylar borders will be made so if you have been procrastinating, now is the time to act.

Best way to obtain a set is to go to Ten Mile River Scout Museum Website and click on the right hand column the tab that says Founder’s sets. You can download a flyer.

If you collect 100th anniversary patches, these all have the official logo and if you collect specific Founder or Founders, this is a must for you as well. The CSPs have a special photo process with the picture of the Founder in the center and the rest is fully embroidered.

They are also available on Ebay. Specific questions about the patches, Specific questions about purchase, shipping, method of payment to Dave Malatzky at .

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